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A Look At: Immigration
Immigration is the settlement of a foreigner in another nation. The reasons immigrants leave their homeland can vary, but it is often to benefit from entitlements or opportunities in the new country. Economic migration is more common in the 21st century, though immigrants also come in search of political and religious freedom. War and other forms of violence may also cause people to leave their homeland. Strict national immigration policies can be effective at controlling immigration when enforced.

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A Look At: RINO
A RINO (Republican In Name Only) is an officeholder or affiliate of the Republican Party who holds views that are more liberal than those of most Republican voters, or who conforms to the preferences of the liberal media. Since elected GOP officials tend to be less conservative than the party base, a large number of RINOs are entrenched members of the party organization. RINOs also tend to engage in cronyism to fill key government positions and are often career politicians.

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